
~* long long day

Whether circumstance or change in barometric pressure, sleep has not come easily for me these last days. Nor my clientelle.

Yesterday I awakened 15 minutes *after* I was to be at my first appointment.
I was almost completely useless all day long.
The job got done and I did it well. I felt horrid but I did it well.
Today, my day began better as I woke up in time. Still, an easy few hours more would have been welcome. I was more productive than yesterday, but at great cost.

Thinking I could come home to a nap, I finished up my last work, going 25 minutes overttime (freebie) and came home, visions of soft pillows and nappiboos in my mind.
I had 3 messages, each more forceful than the last, directing me to act immediatly on my parent's behalf to do blah blah blah. Not what I wanted to come home to.

I know my limits. I need my breaks. This would be why I work the short shift.
I run out of energy when I am emotionally exhausted.
Things injust and things done badly take my energy.
I like things done to the best of the doers ability. After all we deal in people, not potatoes.

Planning a nice bath and a long snooze, I decided to ignore the messages.
Stupidly, I answered the telephone when it rang.
So: I wound up at the family corral, doing things and expending energies I didn't have.
And now, at last, it is time for bed.

