
--and the day after Company comes

Today my Gourmet Cook Client was very tired.
Company had worn her out. It was a good sort of feeling for her; the sort of tired you get when you have accomplished much after hard work.

I came at lunchtime and she had already eaten.
She wanted a piece of cake but only if I would take a piece too.
So we had coffee and cake.

She had a card out for the memorial service of a friend.
"I cannot remember how to spell his name."
I would have helped but it was a Scandinavian name I could not even pronouce.

"Don't worry," she said. "My friend is coming to pick up the card. She will know."

The telephone rang and a moment later the doorbell.
She got the telephone and I opened the door.
A beautifully dressed woman stood there expectantly.
My client was trying to finish up on the call.

I said (most unhelpfully) "She cannot remember how to spell the gentlemans name. Could you write it down and I will pass it over to her?"

Mrs. Nicely dressed got a not so nice look on her face.
She glared at me and said: "I dont have time for this."
The card was out and open.
"Just write the name down and she can sign it." I said.
More unpleasant looks.

She stamped her foot; her beautifully shoed foot and looked across to the chair where my client had just finished her call.

"I have to go I cannot wait for this."
From the chair my client said: "It won't take more than a moment."
But the 'Lady' was already out the door and gone.

My lovely client who IS a Lady in every way had a tear running down her face.
I felt my own eyes narrowing.
"She wasn't one of those people you cooked for yesterday was she?"

"Yes. Yes she was. And it will be a long time before I cook for her again."

What a hag.... on her way to another city for the Memorial, has time to stop in and be rude but not time to wait to make a shut-in (whose hospitality she so freely took) feel included in the ceremony of remembrance for their mutual friend. I did not really want my client feeling sad so I said:
"Maybe its the grief. Maybe she is struggling with her emotions. Maybe that is why she rushed out."

"No that is not it. She is just being rude. She did not know him well at all. I knew the gentleman ALOT better than she did." She said.

I was really annoyed on her behalf.

"She is lucky I am on the Company Dime." I said
"If I was here as a guest I would have shut the front door and MADE her wait."
My client laughed.

I would have done more than just shut the door.
I would have taken her into the bathroom and turned on the fan and given her a lesson on manners. She _could_ wait 1 minute.
But ah well....

Honey, Karma gonna getcha.

What makes people behave so badly?
