Still not frivolous fluff but:
Another Eco--- "Baudolino"
"The Quest for Merlin" by Nikolai Tolstoy
and oh my! A strange little book called the Power of Positive Prophecy by Laurie Beth Jones.
I read a stupid book called Hopjoy was here.. It was fun.
And immediatly afterwards I had a craving for chicken mcnuggets.
Scary stuff!
My middle English has slipped away.
I have been wading through Chaucer "Troilus and Criseyde" for a week now.
Shame on me.
" The bente moon with hire hornes pale,
Saturne, and Jove in Cancro joyned were,
That swych a reyn from hevene gan awale,
That every maner womman that was there
Hadde of that smoke reyn a verray feere."
(III 624-8)
Or better yet, how about this line:
"For he nyl falsen no wight, dar I seye That wp; his herte al holly on hym leye."
Time was I could actually read that at normal speed instead of speaking each word in my mind.