
Oh those pesky witnesses....

Being a fairly free spirit on the face of things I wear what I like and I do what I want. Most of my choices are benign, and moral. (most) Taste is something else. Taste is entirely subjective. I am finding out new things all the time.

Although my work hours are set, my breaks are arbitrary. Today's break was at a very odd time. Eleven in the morning is primetime in healthcare and a break at that time is unusual. I had 1.33 hours to myself and so I strolled about the town, wandering in and out of the giftshoppes, delivering Christmasy Cards to the merchants I wished to thank for their great service. Everywhere I went in Town, by foot, people were smiling and wishing me a Merry Christmas.

The man in the gas station on the corner came out from his building and called to me: "Hey Christmas Spirit lady: HAVE A GREAT CHRISTMAS!" Only then did I realise
that I was wearing red and green. Red pants, red top and a green very green Christmas green jacket. *ho ho ho*

At my first client of the day my co-worker told our client that he thought my taste was demur. Then they laughed. I looked at him puzzled and he said: "Well, you dont dress flashy do you?" (irony) (Sarcasm)
I'm clean and well-dressed and every day I feel good about what I wear but possibly I may be better dressed than most. Good taste no money. Buy cheap and wear forever, wear wherever and wear it out!
As we went outside he looked at me and said suddenly: "You know,: You are a good person!" He sounded like he had just thought of it.

I looked at him and said: "Yes, Yes I am! Yay me!" and got in my car wondering what he had thought before. Scary Me? Stupidhead Me? Bossy Me?
THe harmonic trinity of me.
We are all good and all necessary.


so we come to the end of the day where I run into a friend or five and they ask me about basic human rights. Then they all giggle. I missed something I guess.
They segue to chocolate pudding and then look at me again and giggle.
"All right all right, what's going on? I know you are mocking me but I am not sure about what? Who is telling pudding stories on me?"

Sometimes when I am asleep I am still interactive. Rarely I converse and when I do it is almost always nonsense. (or shouting) But OF COURSE the one time I launch a grande conversation there are witnesses.
"Every human being should have the right to chocolate."

"A good esthetician would spoon feed you chocolate and I bet that service would sell very well too!"

"Oh come on please just one... just spoonfeed me one little mouthful and I will never ask again please!"

There was chocolate pudding cups at the head of my bed.
There were people in my room watching a movie on my computer with me and I fell asleep.
There are just way too many people who know this story and its not yet 24 hours old.
Oh those pesky witnesses.

NO more company after 8pm.
It's too risky!
