
Todays Reading List

Today was a pleasurable bathtub read---
"Gromchil & Other Tales from a Psychiatrist's Notebook"
This is a book from 1975 and a very good read indeed.

I also started on one for the lending library-- "The Compulsive Woman"
I suspect I will argue about this one. Anything that proports to help establish guidelines for : Ending Male Dependancy makes me somewhat amused before we even start.

I am coming to it with an open mind despite the above comments.
We live in a society that honours obsessiveness and compulsions.
Commercialism and addiction are one and the same thing.

I have started a workbook on discovering and recovering "your creative self"
"The Artist's Way" A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity.

In everything there is some good to be found.
I look for harmony.
but really--- sometimes crap is just crap