
One is an error... two unfortunate but three?

A stable client list with one or two spots always set aside for the imminent palliative clients or the new release ones, works very well for me. My stable list means some of my clients I see up to 8 times a week.

Suddenly, (and without warning) three of my clients all went into hospital at the same time.
Today, my workday began with a trip to an empty house. It was apparant to me from the second I got in sightline that noone was home but I am obliged to look through every window I can and call, letting the telephone continue to ring for as long as possible. Finally the Office called a relative who confirmed that my lovely client went to Hospital with extreme mobility difficulties. Hardly surprising as the Government in it's infinite wisdom, declared her oxygene unnecessary and stopped allowing its use through her Medical Insurance. She cannot afford it privately.

It is possible that this trip to the Hospital, should she survive it, will result in her getting oxygen again. Hope so.

Client 2 was also not home. Oh... again, there was a crisis and off they went to Hospital on the weekend. Client 3 was home and mostly all right, client 4 was on the way to the Hospital (no kidding) and Client 5 was in bed, in no shape for any sort of thing except lifesign checks.

I swear it is the weather.

Looks like I will be having a lean mean week. Minimal hours unless there is a miracle.
Not that I mind. Just would not say no to some extra $$ atm.
Bills bills bills.

The most ironic thing is that my parent who has an income FIVE times what mine is, routinely *forgets* to pay me back for food items. OR drug store purchases. My parent likes to pay by Visa and I am not a signatory so I just pay cash. I am certain it is not on purpose but I cannot afford him just now.

If you haven't any coal in the stove
And you freeze in the winter
And you curse on the wind at your fate
When you haven't any shoes on your feet and your coat's thin as paper
And you look thirty pounds underweight.

When you go to get a word of advice from the fat little pastor
He will tell you to love evermore.
But when hunger comes a rap, Rat-a-tat, rat-a-tat at the window...

See how love flies out the door...

Cabaret by Hollis Alpert