
An echo

It does not seem so very long ago that I was in the home of a gentleman who wanted to believe that he did not require our help. He was unsteady, with a long long list of things going wrong with him. It boiled down to a long life of hard work and a body that was ready for the ground.
He was a stubborn old coot. He thought nothing of putting other's at risk, if it meant he would get his own way. He went down a bad path. All roads end the same place and his ended ingloriously, alas.

I now have another gentleman in similar circumstance. He has worked hard and his body is tired. His heart is worn out. His back is worn out. His brain is tired. He does not live alone. He has a lovely wife who is over 1 foot shorter than him. She helps him around the house, here there and everywhere. She is getting very tired too.

Without his wife, this gentleman would not be able to stay at home. He knows his time is limited and he is hoping he will blink out rather than fade slowly. He wants to do it at home.
I hope for us all, the best possible death. For me, that would mean good pain management and 24 hours care. For him it means, sitting in his chair looking out on the ocean, across to the Islands. It means waking in his own bed and eating meals his wife cooks. It means she is going to be worn out too.

I support them in any way they choose. Prayer support is probably the best.

I was thinking to the other gentleman, and how I passed his widow yesterday without realising it was her. My car is highly recognisable. She was staring after me. I was a full block gone before I realised who she must be. And that, based on the location, not any recognition factor from glancing at her. The trouble with a small city is that EVERYONE is familiar. I remember them all, not not in order and certainly not at the convenient moment.

IT was so nice to see this little woman still cooking with gas, in her own home. I hope the last year has been chock full of happiness and sweet times for her. She deserves it all.

I hope and pray this other Lady also has some wonderful days ahead.

Hope: To wish for something with expectation of its fulfillment.