
The Entertainer's Story au jour

I can't say I wasn't warned.
Here I am early in the morning at the Entertainer's house.
She is a chatty little thing, what with being a professional entertainer and all.
She is 91 and has yet to retire. She has done theatre, film, all things artistic....
she sings, she dances. STILL *HURRAH*

But I do not have alot of time here as my task is simple.
OR so it seems.
Some aspects of care require client participation. This is one such task.
But she is not co-operating as she wants to entertain me.
Even now. In her nightie. Early in the morning.
Now THAT'S dedication to your craft!

So this is her story to me:

There was a young couple who met in Church and agreed to go on a first date.
During dinner the young man leaned over to the young lady and asked:
"You do believe in the Hereafter do you not?"
"Well," she answered, "What do you mean by the "HereAfter?"
"Well it's like this", he answered looking into her eyes.
"If you're not here after what I'm here after, you'll be here after I'm gone."


Guess you had to be there