Hurray its friday!!
Hurray hurray the week has ended and I am so happy for it.
I encountered another person from my worksite today who I respect and enjoy working with. I asked this person what Palliative care means to her. I sketched out my frustrations of the earlier in the week visit. She was aghast.
I am glad for that not because I need a feeling of justification on that issue but it means she also feels we are sent for the Client in the bed not the family.
Generally, families find the Palliative Care Worker hard to be around.
We do the things you do not want to know about.
We do the things that are necessary.
We may hurt but we do not harm.
And much of what we do is very much best left unseen by loving eyes as the explaining is too hard. It has to be done. Dying can be as hard as birth was.
There is pain. The trick and skill is to do the necessary as quickly and gently as possible involving the client at the level they are able.
It is a passion. I know it is peculiar to say, but do people query midwivery? I suppose some do. I want to be more excellent in my practise all the time. I want to be lifted up and to uplift my staff and clientelle. I want to learn more and apply my knowledge. Onwards and upwards.