
The Toenail Verse

I never know if the olde girls are just having me on, or if people really did use to say/and believe the ryhmes they tell me about. Sometimes, I think they make them up just to see if I will swallow it.

The sisters were sitting in the sunroom waiting on the nephew, who was going to come and drive them to the hairdressers. The younger of the two had a hangnail which I offered to trim for her.

"Horrors no!" she said. "It's Friday."

"No it's Thursday."

"Well, okay then. Go ahead."

"What would be so bad about cutting it on a Friday?"

They exchanged incredulous glances and then the elder chanted at me the following lines:

"Cut on a Monday for Health,
Tuesday for Wealth,
Wednesday for New
Thursday for Shoes
Friday brings sorrow
Saturday and you'll meet true love tomorrow."

"NO NO NO," said the other one.
"It's 'Cut your nails on a Friday, and the devil is with you all week."

And they were off, arguing about what saying meant what.
I got confused. I stayed confused. The hangnail is history tho.