
Self Control (freaks)

It takes alot of self control not to blow up at control freaks.
A control freak never stops to think perhaps you might want to finish your own sentence or thought and even more amazing, it might be a valid notion, worthy of contemplation.

Controllers bark out the orders, dismiss or negate your input and generally make life less pleasant.


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One week til Valentine(less) day.
My plans appear to .....

(insert *poof* here)

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And sadly, she logs off and goes to bed.
Feeling unappreciated, redundant and valentine-less.

X ------------------ X

Tomorrow will dawn with or without me.
And life will go on.
And I will be delightfully happy in the morning as always.

You know that scene in "A Christmas Carol" the original version with Alastair Sim in the Scrooge role? The one where he wakes up to realise he is still alive and has the chance to make his life better and promptly does a cartwheel in front of his astonished housekeeper? That's me every morning.

I love waking up to a new day.
I love the idea that God has granted me more time.
I love being alive.
I wish I had been alive earlier on in my life but a cruel blow to the head dictated otherwise.
Still we have the now.
And that is all we ever have.

Live til you die.

x --------------------- !