
* ----------------- Always an addict?

Along that long road of life the one that weaves in and out of other people's causeways, I seem to run parallel to addicts. Me, them, us: addicts!

What am I addicted to?
Shiny things!
Lazing about!

That's just this week.

Alcohol and I do not get along but mostly because virtually everyone in my family has an alcohol problem. I cannot do street drugs without disastrous results, and that's just pot! I do take a prescription drug for my asthma and another for my brain but nothing dire. I am notorious for being the one who falls asleep at parties. Definitly the straight one. Definitly the least likely to party all night.

I might just be compulsive.
I do like my shopping. But only in cheap stores. I am cheap!!
Is it an addiction? No. I do not think so. It is a strong preference.

White flour.
I might be addicted to that.
Likely so.

Now I have so many clients with substance abuse problems, and of all ages.
The worst addiction I can see is to Zopiclone.
A Doctor prescribes it to a listless senior who soon cannot sleep without it.
Likely not with it either but without it there is withdrawal.

92 years old and 120 pounds, a six foot two senior cannot sleep even with 2 zopiclone. The Doctor took them away and now we have a very cranky senior who isn't eating but has discovered the joys of Scotch.

He tells me that in his younger days he was a *social drinker* but he quit because after retirement he found the cost restrictive. Not that he was an "alcoholic", you understand. It was very important I understood that.

Once an addict:

OH I don't know.
