
A New Day!

More changes and a fresh new day which I naturally awakened to refreshed and happy!
Ah to be me in the mornings!
If only I could be the same me in the evenings!

A totally new Wednesday for me with totally new clients.
Somehow Scheduling screwed up and stocked me with 3 smokers. These clients do not smoke while I am there but the homes are just completely saturated with smoke. It makes me sneeze and cough. I managed to get through it but I will not do it again.

The rhinestone cowgirl was on my list today.
She is one cool old broad. Those rhinestones have likely been around her neck for 25 years. I love that! She did not balk at all and after minimal coaxing we accomplished our task.

I was listening to her remininse about her friends and family.
It occured to me that I probably know more about her than I know about my own Aunts.
All the BIG THINGS; all the intimate details she hoardes in her heart and takes out to shine up. Those are the things I know.

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Saw my feisty sassy old client in a Nursing Home. I stopped in to say hello.
She remembered my voice and after I said her name and a hello she turned and looked right at me, then said:
"Goddamnit it's you. Howthehell are ya?" With a big smile.

I love those olde broads.

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