
--- Kiss kiss ---

Another dream: I was doing some mundane task and suddenly a man I work with; a fellow employee kissed me thoroughally. It was a nice kiss and I was somewhere surprised but sufficiently delighted to stay asleep until I had been completely kissed. I was a little surprised at who it was in my dream but ah well: just a dream.

Today I went to a 2 person assignment and was very early.
I sat at the side of the side listening to Joy Division and daydreaming when up pulled the second worker.

"You going to this guy now?"

"Yup, Are you my second person?"

He leaned in and kissed me.
I was ---surprised---.
The dream kiss was better. This one was just on the cheek.
He said it was for being there as he dislikes going to this particular client rather alot.

I hate to tell you he is married.
He isn't married but he is in a committed long-term relationship.
How odd though that I would dream that and then he would kiss me.

I kinda liked it.


** 1 hour 45 minutes later **

The son of a client asked me if I would mind if he hitched a ride with me uptown.
Okay. No kiss there but it was..... odd.
Especially the part where he made some lame excuse to touch my leg.

Phermones I think I am exuding them again.

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