
Finding the car, driving without brakes

More dreams. Vivid and banal. I dream the same scenario frequently.
It is a dream of me walking to find my car. My car, of course is gone or moved or perhaps I just cannot remember where I left it. In this dream I am generally remembering that my car is a British Sports car and sometimes I even laugh to myself at the thought I would ever drive anything else. In my dream this life here is the dream one. Distinctly odd but always so in this dream.

----segue to driving----- I put my foot on the brake pedal, remembering too late that they are not working. I try to modify my driving habits to accomodate this.

---segue to trying to take the bus home--- Again, I do not find my house. Or I find my house and it is completely different than I expect it to be but I do not want to show surprise to whoever is with me as obviously this IS my house. The home I go into is either an apartment on the corner of a building and completely unsuitable for me due to street traffic and undesirables, or it is large and sprawling and I wander through it in wonder, remembering that my husband and kid(s) are around somewhere.

---segue to fruitlessly trying to get home---
I am late or the bus is late or I am lost. I hate this dream.

There is a variation on this dream where I am on the highway to somewhere and I wind up in a *town* not of my choosing. In this version I am stranded unhappily.
Sometimes there is even a holocaust theme to it and I cannot return to my true home.

Now where is Jung on this one?


This may not be the life I expected but I do embrace it fully and love my life. Perhaps just not in my sleep.
