
...about that magic wand...

all right so I got a little off topic back there....

I was thinking about my magic wand cursor.
It started about the time I got myself a new desktop theme.
Now before you start saying aha and serves me right I want you to know I scanned the file I downloaded and made sure it was not from that awful site that is mirrored a thousand times the world over that bundles themes with six different kinds of spyware and trojans.

All the same, suddenly I have Web offers popping up every few minutes and of course there is the matter of that nasty text underling here which for all I know could very well originate on this machine here, the beauteous and sedate Aptiva.

Yes yes its spyware. Once again I fell for something sparkling and shiny only to be used like last months something or t'other.

I am going to miss this magic wand.
It came in handy. Even if it was from Troy.
