
Wanting what you have

Isn't it interesting that people who SHOULD know you well, turn out to know nothing about you at all.

The Spanish Inquisition masquerading as a family member interrogated me today over the choice I have to make. Although my job is perfect and I love it, I do not love driving with the price of gas on the rise. On the other hand, environment is everything to me and I do not know if I could cope with people all around me 6 to 8 hours a day. It has been years since I had to put up with noise like that.

"So, what is holding you back?"

I mentioned I was not certain I wanted to give up my seniority and my lifestyle.

"But you would have a much better job!"

I asked what was better about it.

"You would make more money."

Can you believe it?
What a thing to say to me.
The last motivator on the list. Sure I have to consider money, but above all I consider my health, my wellness, and my ability to do a great job under the circumstances given.

I would never bargain those things away for mere money.

The day I do is the day I am no longer me.