
Two Steps Back...

Blow me down matey but I heard a salty tale today!
Decades in this family and this is the first I have heard of this!

Sufficiently intrigued by another bout of sleep yelling, after blogging it, I remarked on it to my (remaining) family.

"You must take after your Grandmother," said the parental authority.

"Which one?" I asked.

"My Mother! She used to have a terrible time in the night. I don't know what it was; ask your Aunt she was the one who would console her without startling her."

I almost fell over.

"You are kidding. How long was this a problem?"

"Oh she always did that. Ask your Aunt. She would know about it."

Then I find out that sleepwalking was in the next generation as well.

Physically, I strongly resemble these people.
Obviously in more ways than I thought.

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