The roar of the greasepaint the smell of the crowd!
I love the day after show. Everything is done. The curtain rang down the last time and you can move on with things. For me, there is a huge personal cost in hosting events of any nature. It seems I am a natural public speaker and chief of the smartasses but in fact I am very introverted and shy. It seems that I am queen of spontaneity but in fact I have to prepare against every eventuality to feel comfortable on stage. Once I get it together with all bases covered I am great. Noone ever believes I am shy. Noone.
The day after I am always exhausted. Chiefly this happens because no matter HOW tired I am the night of the show, I do not sleep easily. Too much adrenilin. I have to wait it out.
Alas, I forgot to book today off and had to awaken early and get my butt out to the nether reaches of the district for 07:30. oooo I was tired.
It was a wonderful day in the CareLane. It is nice to see everyone doing so well on such a lousy day. The humidity here is crushing and allergens are packing the air. *sneeze*
And now, to bed. For a nappieboo.