
(a) Musing

Scrapbooking. I love it.
Some of the most fun I have had over the last few years has been at scrapbooking workshops.
What a hoot!

Sound as dull as dishwater?
Last time my favourite line was uttered by the new Bishop's wife.
As the tunz spun round a jazzy number came on.
"Is this Billy Joel?" she said. "Or Cher?"


Mr. Home Alone at 94 is a pretty fun fella too.
Today he looked alot better and stronger than last week when he kept insisting he was fine.
I got all the goods on the rich and famous of our Village circa 1950.
Some of it was really good! Wish I could name names and amuse you too, but that, dear reader, would be scandalous. Trust me, my jaw dropped.

We went on to the topic of his health and stamina.
"O I feel about strong enough to knock the skin off a rice pudding."

Hah! Wait til he meets the Bishop's wife. Now that would be a pair to take to luncheon.
Gotta love being alive and well in Paradise.
