
"You done alot of good work today"

Who but the Sunday client would soil the bed moments before my departure and ask demurely: "I am not sure but I think the bed might be wet. Is it wet?"

An hour and 15 minutes is not enough I suppose to adequately perform the dramas. Oh, I take that back. It is enough time, it is just that on Sundays I am sent at a time that does not meet with her approval. Knowing I have somewhere else to go, she makes a point of doing some unsafe thing at the critical time forcing my time to go over. In the past I would zoom around and finish everything, and not bill for the time. No more.

I changed the bed with her in it. Not as hard as you might think but made harder by her inability to take direction. She must have seen in my countenance my displeasure. She actually thanked me with the title's words as I left.

I do not dislike her as a person. I do not disagree that she needs alot of care. I do, however, question whether it should be administered on the Government nickle. Or is it nickel?

The older I get, the less I enforce my once exceptionally fine spelling and grammar habits.
This must be wisdom at last.

