
Creating a sanctuary

Sanctuary from the big bad world is what my home is. My heart is my home, but my living quarters are the dwelling we all take refuge to.

Each day is a delicate balance of energy spent and rejuvenation received. As a natural introvert, speaking and interacting with people leaves me tired, not energised as an extrovert would find. Because I have dedicated huge amounts of time to attempting to fit in the "societal parameters of acceptability", I appear to be extremely extroverted. People laugh out loud when I tell them I am shy and introverted. A huge joke for us all to enjoy. I certainly could have made a fabulous living as an Actress; in fact I almost did. Thank God that I understood the trade-off of fame for money is unacceptable to me. I would be dead, most likely by my own hand and people would be scoffing at how stupid someone who had it all could be to end so foolishly.

Alone time is sacred to me. The only people who seem to dismiss this need of mine are my own family. Typical. The telephones go unanswered, the door unopened. Alone time is me and my sacred space, meditating and replenishing my spirit. I love my home.

A little gilt here, a glimmer there, and a whole lot of scented flickering space.

Home, sweet home.
I loves ya.
