
Thank you, you can go now

Ah friends.
So helpful.

God bless the friends of this world who take it upon themselves to see their beloveds to the next. For all that you angels do, bless your hearts.

Now you have your warm and fuzzies. Take them and butt out!
I do not know what possesses friends to think they are expert in end of life care.
They are expert in friendship.

I will speak to this later on. I am annoyed atm as you may surmise.
My client was telling me this morning how she loved her friends but she just wanted them to butt out. When the friends come and take over they yank her out of her chair and walk her without her walker and expect things that are just not teachable in one session.

Be a good friend.
Remember this and leave the personal care to professionals when End of life looms.
And dont be yarding your friend up by the arms. Or hanging off their subcue med arm walking them. Or asking them a million stupid questions.

Be a good friend.
