
Superman's Girlfriend

Can you imagine having the same name as Superman's girlfriend?
Or Batman's rl incarnation?
Or a new movie comes out and astonishingly the lead char has your name?It must be awful.
Today is a story about Zorro.

Zorro loved his name until he hit school. The kids all teased him mercilessly.
He pretended not to notice and staunchly kept the name through adulthood.
He had a psychotic break in his 20s and very quickly became institutionalised.
After a series of failed treatments, finally they hit on something that could manage his episodes.

Zorro was released back into the community where he took up lecturing to University Students on mental health. He had a degree or two in his pocket and was a very insightful brilliant man.
He knew he was not employable but that did not stop him from writing a book.
Zorro shone.

I ran into another Nurse and she was mentioning to me that Zorro was on service under the umbrella of Community... I was suprised.
"He gets rides to his program."
I thought that was interesting and never thought anymore about it except that she had commented that she thought it was wrong that someone like him perfectly capable of walking could get a ride on the Health Regions dime.

Without judgement. That is our credo. My own judgement was neutral.
He is on service he gets service. --period.

I was surprised that a few weeks I got panic calls asking me if I could go and pick Zorro up and drive him home. It was 1/2 assignment and I didn't even have to get out of the car. Zorro was pleasant and kind and I would sit in his driveway and chat with him about this and that.
He was a pleasure to have around and so very thankful.
For the smallest things.
Like a conversation.

I noticed that Zorro was wearing this strange shirt in the middle of summer.
I asked about it... and he said he was more comfortable in it.
I could see this odd protruding shape underneath so I asked him if he was all right.
"Actually, I have to go and have an exploratory on it. I am going tomorrow."
He was going to the big city 4 hours from here.
He had someone taking him but he really did not want to go at all.

We chattered on and he told me of his belief in various things.
As it happened I had an amethyst crystal in the car (somewhere under all the papers and coffee cups.)
It was just a small little thing. I gave it to him and told him to keep it for luck.
He believed in the healing power of crystals.
I believe in the healing power of belief.

I had another client so I bade him goodluck and farewell and he walked to his door.
I wait for him to go in, to make sure he has his key and so on.
He opened the door, and then turned around and walked back to the car.
I rolled down my window.

"I just want to tell you what a difference you have made in my life.
I really dread these rides home I know alot of people are afraid of me. I know they think I am dangerous. I can feel it.

"I was praying it would be you tonight, and God answered my prayer.
I want you to know that you are..."

He went on for a few more sentences very flattering things indeed. I could not imagine what brought this on. I smiled and patted his hand and told him he was very loveable and many many people cared about him and nevermind what anyone thinks... and good luck etc.

Zorro really did walk in the house then.
Two weeks later I was in the staffroom and I saw on the list of deceased clients Zorro's name.
He had been Palliative and never told anyone. The growth I saw evident was a secondary cancer, and the visit to the Hospital was for brain surgery from which he did not recover.
He KNEW he would never see me again and that beautiful sollioquay was his present to me.

God bless your sweet heart Zorro.
Tonight I remember you and remember you well.
You were a very good man.

"They can conquer who believe they can."