
hot stuff

All right I admit it.
I am a bit of a hothead.

When I feel disrespected I get angry. I got angry last night at someone and wrote a very blunt letter to them (digitised version of course).
I felt very much vindicated by sending the letter. In true keeping with my personality, this morning I felt much differently about things. This is the reason I cannot work evening shifts or night shifts. I just am not the same person in the nighttime.

I opened my mailbox this morning to an apology ...
I am very not good at these sorts of things.


In other news:
The clientelle just gets odder. Today I had two people on my client list who all but declined service. The Government is paying $35 an hour for this. No wonder we are in dire healthcare straights.

I see alot of people dehydrating. They know it and I know it but will they drink water? No, of course not. They want coffee or tea or something else that will dehydrate them further. I met a junkie in her 70s today. Not sure she even realises she falls into that category. What on earth would be in the mind of a Doctor who prescribes oxycontin in a regular dose to an elderly woman who weighs less than 80 pounds? I am but the hands. The brain however, seems to have some connections gone awry.