
The Man at the End of the Road (2)"

The Man at the End of the Road.(2)

The neighbour was devastated by the idea that someone would choose to live in pain, ready to die, alone. She came over to help every night after work, feeling it was her duty to make sure nothing happened. The more she helped the less she was sure that he should really be allowed to stay at home.
"He has NOBODY you know. There is some family that used to come around but they dont speak anymore. I have to check up on him."
"He has the right to die in the way he so chooses."
"How can you say that? Look at him!"

"Sir... Sir... do you want me to call an ambulance?"
"Sir your neighbour is here. She says you were very ill again yesterday."
"Nevermind bout that. I want to stay in my house here."
"Sir I cannot do much for you here. Just make you comfortable and clean. I cannot treat your pain."
"I dont care I want to be here. My house."
"Sir your house isnt going anywhere."
"You got that right MY house. That no good nephew of mine thinks he is going to get it and thar aint no way that's happening. Over my dead body."
-- I winced.--
"Sir, can I call your Doctor for you?"
"No Doctors. No Hospitals."

What to do what to do?
The neighbour continued to try to force me to do something.
This to her, meant taking him against his will to the Hospital.
In the end her desparation caused me to say; "if YOU feel you must call the Ambulance then sobeit."
She called.
I went in to where he was laying and broke the news to him, as gently as possible.
He went out like a whupped pup.

Guess who is living in the house now?
It is sad when no matter what you do the end is unsatisfying.
Sometimes nothing works.

"Some people are always grumbling that roses have thorns;
I am thankful that thorns have roses."
-- Alphonse Karr