
We are Borg (?)

I am Three of Fourteen.
Next door behind me, my triple digit neighbour seems to have a new.... someone or other who is hell bent to keep that grass trim and the noise level intolerable.

All right, perhaps I am the only drone who detests the drone of the mower.

What was so bad about the native flora here that some assinine notion for green lawns became the cultural norm? I know there are even laws on the books of some city councils to ensure a tidy front yard.

Only humans could possibly be so stupid as to promote the natural greenery as *weeds* and the foreign one achievable only by poisoning the ground, as desirable.

It's insane!
Driving through the city you see all those proud people with their little spray cans doing an ethnic vegetative cleanse. One little poison, one little toxin, one little ounce of bounce.... and look how green and lovely it all is.
Are you wearing a mask? No? No matter, the earthworms aren't either.
And one little chain at a time it moves on up the food chain.

You go to a "nature park" to see what would happen naturally but in your own yard you fight the endless battles. Eradicate a few species of insect. Pour insecticides into the ground water. Complain when you get cancer.

oh and mostly:

You hear it everywhere.
"I don't know what is wrong with me. I feel awful."

Well I know what is wrong with me and you and the whole bloody lot of us.
We are insane.

When we are assimilated I do not think it will take more than ten seconds.
What possible technology can we offer?

Perhaps we will introduce the concept of *humour*.

God knows we are to be pitied.