
just thinking about stuff

Coming up to another advancement in the year #. In our Western cultural reckoning:

My already boggled mind boggles more.


Some times when my mind BOGGLES in caps, I go here, and concentrate.

Living with a boggled mind is both a curse and a blessing.
A blessing in that it breeds compassion where indifference may have taken hold.

The biggest struggle in my life is communicating with my own family.
Sounds ridiculous but they are the worst offenders in not recognizing nor honouring boundaries.
--- MY boundaries!
They forget what lies beneath and are reassured by what the surface shows.

I am blessed in that I have never looked my age. This comes in handy as they tell me I have never acted my age either. -and- as more than 2 decades of this life are just things I have learned by rote - I don't feel my age either.

There is always a faint hope that time will dull this maelstrom and chemistry of the aged may offer respite to a tired mind. That is the only part of me that does get tired. My mind.

Perhaps the coming year will hold some peace.
God, I hope so.