Quelle Bizarre (O)
All righty. It may be Spring or Summer or whatever but...
Into the files of the bizarre comes the following.
I am ready for beddiebye-byes when suddenly the telephone rings.
As it is 22:00 hours I foolishly pick it up.
A *friend* from a few years ago calling.
This (male) friend is calling to give me a heads up that another friend is going to ask me out. But is too scared to and asked for help on how to do it.
I just am not answering the telephone, I am letting the machine take it.
These are nice Christian (screwed up divorced and royally introspective) boys.
Naturally I want nothing to do with them.
Don't want to hurt anyone's feelings though.
I thought I was the only one with a bad case of the wishful thinking.
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DNTO had a great show today. Sook-Yin Lee did a reprise of "The Rejection Show."
They of course had a segment on the rejection show.
Go see it
How appropo.