Fighting with my covers
It was the Hotel, the 33rd floor and I had refused to take the stairs.
I was with this mad woman of indeterminate motivem and I was pretty sure the room was gratis. I had a drink; an alcoholic beverage(!) and sat annoyed as she danced with G.
What he was doing in this, I do not know.
On my way to the dining room/lounge, I was waltzing along a corridor and noticing that the floors seemed to be moving. I assumed it was the motion of the building on floor 33.
My car was down in the area. I was further annoyed that the car I wanted, my beautiful white MGB was parked somewhere in the area, but I could not remember where. Car NO. 2 was drab.
This whole hotel scenario went on for a tedious amount of time and naturally there was a scene where I yelled about being ignored while they danced or some other minutae.
Back to a room. I am unhappy. There is something sordid going on.
Now I wake up somewhat. At least I think I am awake.
I hear a voice in my head.
"What is the significance of the number of the floor?"
"What does the car mean?"
okay...cl? is that you in my dreams now prompting me to analyse them?
It was very odd and wakened me fully at 3:55 am.
What WAS the significance of the floor?