
A holiday

Cars cars cars!
There are so many more vehicles on the road this weekend for the Easter holiday.
It slows me down considerably.
I do not mind the being slowed down bit but I do mind the senseless hurry these people seem to be in.
Perhaps Island time is being recalibrated to the rest of the World and I am the last one to notice.

My second client au jour was very confused this morning. This happens every now and then with her and mostly she doesnt get into too much trouble. I see a pattern. When the staffing is shuffled she has a bad patch. This tends to happen around holidays of course. Alot of new names in her book.

This morning there were four hot-cross buns in various pans and ovens. There was the kettle boiled dry even tho it has an auto-shutoff feature which APPARANTLY is disabled if the lid is not secured when the kettle is boiling.
A pile of milkbones littered the floors of the living room and dining room and she was sitting nibbling chocolate cookies. My kind of gal really.

Man is so muddled, so dependent on the things immediately before his eyes, that every day even the most submissive believer can be seen to risk the torments of the afterlife for the smallest pleasure.
Joseph De Maistre