
It feels like the very last time...

Tonight I sit in my darkened room, playlist of ambient sounds featuring PortisHead and suchlike bands,.... Cocteau Twins, Aphex Twin, Massive Attack, Placebo....

This might be my last night in bands of bondage, as they are scheduled to come off TOMORROW!!! -- huzzah! --

This might not happen but please God let it be so. I hate the bands more than anything so far.
They hurt. Alot. Tomorrow morning at 10:10 think of me laying in the chair with my mouth forced open with those horrid jaw-spreaders being de-banded.

The Oral Surgeon lost money on me. Alot. They were motivated by pride of practise. My treatment is concluding 19 months off schedule. 19 months of steady visits to their offices and being rewired, rebracketed and retightened. Not one visit went as planned. Each and every time I had some hardware failures to be corrected. Some of the technicians wince when they see my name. Hey me too guys. It freakin hurts.

I will rejoin the world of adults. At my age!
Without bands!! YAY!

So tonight is the night for the bands to do their business one last time.