
Connectivity and the art of remaining silent

There are times when I marvel at the way in which energy focused can pull things in.
What other explanation could there be for encounters that are so utterly coincidental as to defy description? It can be staggering.

For years now, my mind has been haunted by a film that rang so true to me I found myself fascinatingly repulsed. Many other people have watched this film on my say-so and found it disturbing. If you asked me why it affected me so, I am not sure I could say with any degree of certainty. It was a film that left it's mark.

This week I had a client pour out his heart and soul to me.
What are the odds he knows the filmmaker? And what odds the film is based largely on this man's family? And he HATES the filmmaker.

I would too, if it were my family.

Emergency call-out to an end-of-life client.
House full of people in varying stages of despair.
I am so thankful I was of use.
Everyone in the room but the man in the bed.. I have been.

Day off. Out and about to the Thrift. I found me another great find.
A beautiful sterling implement. I shall date it and comment in awhile.