
Call me trouble (maker)

"Who is meeting you today ?"

"I am not sure. It could be anyone."

"This is ridiculous. I do not have a schedule, and I have no idea who is coming. They told me this would not happen. They told me I would be getting the same people. And now it is just whoever walks in my door."

---blah blah rant blah
It gets wearisome this blaming. Unhappy people find unhappiness everywhere.
Every time I walk into this home, I am hearing about some incompetant soul.
Alot of times it is US of course that is being spoken of. Today I just found things to do and bit my tongue. In walks the other person and it was a welcome sight. Before you could say: "I did it!" the other person was sitting down and playing the blame game with the family.

"I am going into the other room so you can talk about me too."

"Oh hahaha, she is so funny."

Am I?