
Somewhat Askew

Such a beautiful way to start the day.
I woke up after a perfect 7 hours of delightfully deep sleep.
One glance at the clock and I knew I had best get myself up and going.

God Bless the CBC was saying there was the inevitability of rain, yet the morning sun filtered through grey clouds was trying, grasping, even sneaking into my bedroom.

Tim Horton and I went to the beach with a bagel and some honey creweller Timbits, 6 to be precise.
Tra la la la.
Factoids on the radio.
Waves steel blue rushing horizontally.
Only 8:05. And a huge break between client #1 and 2.
*brilliant idea*
Scheduling? Can I move my clients up a little? I have an hour and 15 min break today."

"Sure. Wait a moment. We can find something for you to do,"
---sound of papers and background voices---
"uh ? Where are you now?"

The beach!"

"Did you go to Susan B.?"
Susan B. The dreaded one, the ritualistic method of food preparation one. My challenge to love.

Nope I have Mr. Trout at 8:15 and then nothing til 10:45."
At least that is what I thought when lazily I cruised through the drive through and off to the Ocean front to pop sugar in my mouth between sips of the worlds most desirable morning coffee. ( with 3 cream).

"Hey, we have you down as being as Susan's at 7:45. For an hour and 15 mins."

Mortified, the coffee chilling in my mouth I frantically looked for my printout. Praise God.
I was not insane.

No. My printout doesnt say that."

I read what I had.
Luckily the scheduler on the other end of the telephone was the one who had printed it out.

"Just go on to Susan's and do your best."

I asked her to call Mr. Trout who was expecting me at 8:15
What a way to start the day.
Susan B. was asleep and thought I had been diligently working away quietly.
Mr. Trout forgave me and things got better.

The coolest part of the whole day was at the end.

My beautiful Norma, I just love her.
She is just winding down from the hell move of all time.
Norma did not want to move.
Norma was forced to move.
Norma has kept a sitting room and two small bedrooms of her best and most beloved but she does not feel at home after 1 month.

She calls it her prison for old ladies. And this is "Assisted living." Imagine if she was in facility.
She would fold up and die.

We had to go through her Master Bedroom to the bathroom with the shower. Her furniture is just as I remember my Grandmothers to be. Very tasteful and probably the same as it was the day she first got it.

Norma this bedroom suite is just beautiful. Look at the bed, it is lovely."
Norma laughed at me.

"It sure is. This is my original wedding set. From my first marriage. This is a great bed! And I was a virgin too! Woo boy what a bed!"

We both sat on the original wedding bed we were laughing so hard.
What a day!

The great majority of people in England and America are modest, decent and pure-minded and the amount of virgins in the world today is stupendous. -- Barbara Cartland 1901-, British Novelist

God bless you for that Ms. Cartland.