
Firey Magnificence

We have meetings to discuss various clients, policies and procedures. We also enjoy getting together in one room. All of my team are on the road all day every day with the exception of the Team Leader who has an office. This last meeting we discusses a few of our "problem" clients.
I got my new schedule and --surprise-- one of those we discussed is now mine on Sundays.

Entering her home today, I felt a tiny bit of trepidation but mostly I was curious.
I remember this Lady from a few years ago. I did not find her that bad.
The next year I went once and I remember her because she told me the same story using the same words as she had the year before. I have an excellent memory for patterns and faces.
Last year I went again and yes, the very same story the very same way.

Today she was a little more bitter. Same stories but there were some new words in there.
Most of them were British slang terms.
She is very angry.

I looked at her and got real close and asked her:
"Where did this magnificence of spirit come from? Where you born with it? Did you inherit it from one or both of your parents?"

She absolutely shone like a flawless diamond under a laser.
She sat up completely straight and told me with great pride:
"When I was a little girl my father said to me: "Dont you ever loose your firey spirit my girl. It will take you a long long way in life."

84 , legally blind, severe bladder dysfunction and still a flame licker.
Right on!

"Teach us that wealth is not elegance, that profusion is not magnificence, that splendor is not beauty."

Benjamin Disraeli (British prime minister and novelist. 1804-1881)