

The telephone is silent.
I have no work today.
I imagine a little meeting going on somewhere.
Hopefully the results will be accomodation... if not, I shall return to school.

and borrow MORE money!!

Gentle souls wait quietly for nightfall.

I saw the wordsmith this last week. He has been so ill. Mind shining like a diamond, just one or two facets dimmed by life and pneumonia. I used to have the most pleasant assignment of going and sitting with him for 3 or 4 hours so his wife could go out and get the basics done.
He is 96 she is 80. The trouble is she looks about 60 and people forget this is her retirement too. He requires alot of maintenance these days.

One of our mutual pleasures was dreadful puns. And quips.
He would tell me story after story. "Showing off" his wife said.

It has been a few months since we crossed paths.
And there I am on Thursday, looking in the room to hear him say:
"Oh you are so cheery. And you LOVE your job."
A little later he told me that it meant so much to him to have someone who enjoys their work near to him at a time like this. So honoured was I.

I went to wash my hands and I heard him say to his wife:
"What's her name again?"
hee hee a little reality check there.

Even worse was her reply:
"it's Anne."

(it's not)

"Blessed are those who give without remembering. And blessed are those who take without forgetting."

Bernard Meltzer quotes